All About Moi

Hey, my name is Shahira a.k.a Shyra Adams. I'm 16, still stuck in the High Hell Hole-school- and I just love, love to write. I write mostly poems and all the stories I have ever started are unfinished or lost. So yeah, I'm not really good with that. Also, i'm terrible at introductions and I have no idea what you people would wanna know about me. Soo, I'm gunna try to brieft this out.

    I started a blog to promote my writing. I mean hoestly, i'm not the blog-type person. Its too much work to do and so hectic. But I love writing and dudes, no one was looking at it. I mean, hello, if  I ever intend to become the worlds famous poet, I need feedback from now! Lol, okay so my peoms aren't that great but I think they're pretty good. I started in gr.6 and have been writing ever since.

     You see, this is why I had to start a blog. People, I need feedback. So if you read it than like it or comment. but don't be to harsh cause I can be touchy sometuimes. Well, I'm more sarcastiuc most of the times. But honestly, I want my peoms to be something. I mean they are just words but I want them to mean stuff to people too. Like change the world or something....Ya. I know, I got big dreams:)

Okayyy, so here's a little about me

Favorite Color: Purple and black
Favorite Food: Love spicey food
Favorite Poem: Footsteps in the sand
Favorite book genre: YA books, Fantasy, Action and kinda Romance.

I'm a Muslim girl who adores her religion. So really, on this blog, you say nothing about it. I'm really stubborn and I dislike being wrong. I love writing poems and stories, though I never finish them. I like being mysterious and meeting new people. I can't identify if I'm a loud person or a quiet. I mean, being around with my friends energizes me and makes me wild but I don't like being center of attention. I can be shy at time but surprise you the next moment. I describe school as jail but with cool people. I like making peole laugh and smile and I hate it when someone is mad at me. And if someone doesn't like me, I have to find out way. I'm a sucker for green eyes. I really wished my eyes were green...or purple:P I love horses but I think I've riden it like only twice. I get bored easily and my bad habit, you can never hold my attention for too long. My mind always wonder off and I don't even mean too. I'm scared of heights and water. Can't swim and don't plan on learning. I love hockey and I just love lying in the grass at night and staring at the stars. It's so beautiful... And yeahh..I think I've said a lot.

However, Thank you to anyone who visits my blog. Your guys Feedback is really appreciated. Later!

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